In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 the law for Confidence in the’s Digital Economy, we inform you that : The website www.bocagimmo.com is a site edited by :
- SARL IMMOBILIERE DES MOULINS with capital of 15 000EUR
- Included in the RCS de LA ROCHE SUR YON with the number 410 008 320
- Subject to the TVA with the number FR79 410008320
- Whose registered office is located : 2 rue des Lilas – 85700 POUZAUGES
- Phone. 02 51 57 01 63
- Fax : 02 51 57 07 41
Director of publication : M. SIMONNEAU Luc et M. ROY Denis in quality of managers of the company AGENCE IMMOBILIERE AIP
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Users of the site can contact the webmaster by email at contact@bocagimmo.com
L’user is notably informed that, in accordance with the’article 32 of the law n° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, information communicated by the’user in completing forms presented on the Service are required to respond to his request, and are intended to l’operator of the Service, responsible for processing, in particular for the purposes of administrative management of the entries. In any case www.bocagimmo.com does not collect personal information about the user (name, email address, telephone number) for the need of the proposed Services, including registration for chat rooms through online forms or for statistical processing. The user provides this information knowingly, in particular when it proceeds by himself to their seizure. It is then clear to the user of the Service is mandatory or not information that would be required to provide.The user advised that’s he has’a’access, d’query and modify that allows, if necessary, to rectify, complete, update, lock or delete personal data concerning him which are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated or whose collection, l’use, communication or conservation is prohibited.L’user also has the d’a’opposition to the processing of his data for legitimate reasons and that’a’opposition to this that these data be used for purposes of commercial prospecting.L’all of these rights exercised with www.bocagimmo.com by mail with d’a copy of’a d’s identity with a signature sent to : 2, rue des Lilas – 85700 POUZAUGES or by l’through the e-mail form https://www.bocagimmo.com/fr/contact.html. L’user is informed that during his visits on the site, a cookie can s’s installed automatically on his navigation software.The cookie is a block of data which does not allow d’identify the user but serves to record information relating to navigation in the Service.The parameterization of the navigation software allows d’inform the presence of cookies and possibly refuse the manner described at the’following address : www.cnil.fr
L’user has’a’access, withdrawal and modification of personal data communicated by the cookie under the conditions indicated above.
The users of the Service www.bocagimmo.com are themselves required to comply with the provisions of the law on the’information technology, files and liberties, whose violation is liable to penal sanctions.They must, in particular, s’s not s’regard to the personal information they access, from any collection, any diverted use and, d’s a general way, any act that likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.
It is the same databases listed, if any, on the Service which are protected by the provisions of the act of 1 July 1998 transposing into the intellectual property Code of directive of 11 march 1996 on the legal protection of databases, and whose www.bocagimmo.com producer.
Marks www.bocagimmo.com and its partners, and logos appearing on the site are trademarks or registered trademarks.Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos made from elements of the Service without the’authorization express l’s operator, is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of the’article L. 713-2 of the Code of intellectual property.